Thursday, January 10, 2019

Run announcement for 1/12…

Saturday morning at 8:30 the Dirt Dog Trail runners will be running a 6-mile course (give or take a bit) from Castle Rock Park in Walnut Creek. With all the rain we may be doing some rock hoping to cross the streams…a fun run even with the rain leaving streams through-out the course. Linda will be out early to mark the course and I (Tina) will be at the start to greet and sweep.

Driving Directions: Exit I-680 at Ygnacio Rd in Walnut Creek and drive east. After about three miles turn right on Walnut AVENUE (NOT Walnut Blvd). After about two miles enter the roundabout and go right on Castle Rock Road. Follow Castle Rock Road till the end past the horse stables and park on the left.

Hope to see you there!